Answer the Internet— DIY II

Lou Brown is my spirit animal

Bud Copeland
2 min readJun 14, 2022

Someone recently clapped for Answering the Internet — DIY Edition. Hopefully at some point you stumble upon part II and clap again, but the greater victory was a reminder of how fun it was to write part I. Kinda felt like receiving a pep talk from Lou Brown.

The Holy Trinity of Coaching: Knute Rockne — Vince Lombardi — Lou Brown

Today, prompts are comps of Bianca Bass and her post 52 Writing Prompts to Inspire your Next Blog Post.

  1. Write about the woman who has had the greatest impact on your life.

Aside from anyone who bred me or wed me, I’d have to say one of my high school teachers, Mrs. Davies. Or Madonna

2. Write about the man who has had the greatest impact on your life.

Blood relatives aside, Einstein. There are layers to this. HMU for deets.

3. Write about a film or book that has stayed with you.

JFK. Watched it for a high school class (shouts Mrs. Camarda for History of the 60's), and it sparked a lifelong fascination with the family.

4. Write about the thing that keeps you up at night.

Waking up at night. Very little keeps me from falling asleep, but if anything rouses me pre-three AM, I have no chance of going back down.

5. Write about your first job and what it taught you.

Outside of mowing lawns and taking care of neighbors’ pets, I was a security guard at the University of Georgia’s main library for about two months. Do you know what a public library is like late at night?

6. Write about the first person that ever believed in you.

Outside of folks related to me, my second grade teacher, Mrs. Schilf.

7. Write an open letter to your 15-year-old self.

Go to bed earlier. Wake up earlier. Avoid fake IDs.

8. Write an open letter to your future self.

Go to bed earlier. Wake up earlier. Avoid fake foods.

9. Write about a TV show or documentary you’d love to see get made.

Either do a show in the style of The West Wing about a summer camp or do a comedy a la Office or Parks n Rec about and titled, Nonprofit.

10. Write a list of things your love about yourself

We don’t have that kind of time or space.

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Bud Copeland

I know what I know, and I know what I don’t. I think.